Ways of Forming the Ability to Self-Organization And Self-Improvement as the Basis of Successful Educational and Further Professional Activities of a Modern Higher Education Student





self-organization, self-improvement, professional activity, institutions of higher education, applicants


This study examines ways of forming the ability to self-organization and self-improvement as the basis for successful educational and further professional activity of a modern student of higher education. The purpose of the article is to analyze and generalize ways of forming the ability to self-organization and self-improvement as important and necessary competencies of a modern student of a higher education institution, accumulated in higher education institutions of Ukraine. To achieve this goal, scientific sources were analyzed and empirical research, including surveys and observations, was conducted. As a result of the study, it was established that the ability to self-organization is a key quality of a modern student of education, as it contributes to the effective management of one's own educational and cognitive activities, self-improvement and self-development. Self-improvement requires constant work on oneself, improvement of knowledge, important abilities and skills, and other competencies. The research highlighted the ways that contribute to the formation of the ability to self-organization and self-improvement in students of higher education institutions. Among them are: a structured educational program with opportunities for continuous self-improvement and self-development; mentoring and support from teachers, curators; opportunities for reflection and self-evaluation, as well as encouraging independence and persistence. The obtained results of the research are of practical importance for institutions of higher education, teaching staff, as they provide recommendations for creating a favorable educational environment for the development of self-organization and self-improvement among students. It should be noted that the research shows that the formation of the ability to self-organization and self-improvement are critical aspects of successful educational and professional activities of students. Recommendations arising from this study can contribute to the improvement of the educational process, to the improvement of the training of modern students of higher education.


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How to Cite

O. Druhanova and O. Nalyvaiko, “Ways of Forming the Ability to Self-Organization And Self-Improvement as the Basis of Successful Educational and Further Professional Activities of a Modern Higher Education Student”, OD, no. 3(42), pp. 99–116, Sep. 2023.



Competency Approach in Education