Formation of Financial Literacy as a Key Competence in the Content of Future Primary School Teacher`S Professional Training




financial literacy, financial culture, financial awareness, primary education teacher training, technological education industry


The article presents the results of a study on the content of the concept of "financial literacy" and the current state of the issue concerning the development of financial literacy as a key competency in the professional training of future primary school teachers. To identify the content component of future teachers' readiness to instill financial literacy in primary school students, methods of pedagogical observation during undergraduate and graduate student teaching practices, and content analysis of existing methodological materials for primary education were used to detect economic (financial) themes within the technological educational domain. The analysis of theoretical and methodological literature revealed that the concept of "financial literacy" as a key competency for citizens has the same content for both primary education recipients and future teachers, explained by the very idea of "literacy" as a foundational level of knowledge and competencies. Observations showed a low level of financial competence and interest in exploring financial-economic aspects among future teachers during their practical teaching sessions. It is anticipated that in the professional training of primary education teachers, financial literacy as a personally significant competency should be combined with readiness to develop financial literacy in students. Conditions for such training include the use of personalized, competency-based, and coaching approaches. Based on the content of the concept of "financial literacy," key principles for developing financial literacy in students have been formulated: transparency of information, volunteerism and charity, autonomy of the child's budget; gradual accumulation of financial experience; combination of financial awareness and critical thinking; experience formation through play; ecological financial habits and responsible consumption.


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Financial Literacy Among American College Students Infographic /29 January 2024

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Abstract views: 90


2024-10-02 — Updated on 2024-11-03

How to Cite

S. Kucher and R. Horbatiuk, “Formation of Financial Literacy as a Key Competence in the Content of Future Primary School Teacher`S Professional Training”, OD, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 63–71, Nov. 2024.



Competency Approach in Education