



headhunting, institution of higher education, innovative technology, management staff, principles of headhunting


In the article the essence of headhunting has been revealed, the concept of headhunting in higher education has been substantiated, the technology of headhunting has been developed and its use in higher education for the selection of management staff of higher education has been proposed. “Headhunting in higher education” is a technology for finding and selecting highly qualified and competitive candidates for management positions in higher education.
Headhunting technology for finding and selecting candidates for management positions in higher education institutions has been developed, consisting of seven stages: 1) determining the needs of higher education institutions for management staff and forming a «portrait of the ideal candidate» for the position; 2) analysis of the labor market in the field of higher education, including determining the list of high-ranking higher education institutions, analysis of management staff of these higher education institutions and collecting information on potential candidates for the position, in particular, studying career advancement and achievements; 3) formation of the list of candidates for management positions, in accordance with the previously agreed list of competencies; 4) organization of individual meetings between specialists and potential candidates for positions; 5) holding meetings between the management of the higher education institution and candidates for management positions; 6) negotiations between the management of the higher education institution with the candidate for a management position on working conditions, salary, descriptors of performance evaluation, etc.; 7) signing a contract with the selected candidate. The principles on which headhunting technology is based have been identified, namely: search efficiency, objectivity, exclusivity, informativeness, confidentiality and guarantee.
The proposed technology has significant advantages in the selection of management staff compared to open competition, namely the high probability of selection of highly qualified management staff.


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Economics of education and management of education