Features of Organizing Blended Learning in Higher Education Institutions
types, formats and technologies of blended learning, accessibility of education, higher education, integration of digital technologies, motivation, self-education, quality of educationAbstract
Blended learning is a set of educational technologies that combine traditional forms of classroom and independent learning, as well as new types of e-learning in full-time and distance learning formats using digital technologies, computer graphics, interactive elements, audio and video tools, etc. Combining traditional teaching methods with innovative technologies promotes a deeper understanding and assimilation of complex concepts, develops students' creative abilities and prepares them for a successful career.
This is a new approach to organizing and conducting the educational process in higher education institutions. Innovative blended learning methods are becoming increasingly popular today due to their flexibility, accessibility and effectiveness and have prospects for expanding their application and further future development.
The article considers and analyzes various types of blended learning, namely: 1) combined, with an emphasis on online resources, learning using technologies, problem-based, personalized, project-based learning; 2) information technology and its integration into the educational process using educational platforms, virtual lessons and master classes; 3) blended learning formats combining face-to-face and online classes, online classes with elements of offline practice, learning formats using video materials, audio recordings, online courses, examples of successful practice, as well as an individual learning format.
The possibility of universal application of blended learning methods, formats and digital technologies is proposed, their advantages and challenges faced by teachers and students of both humanitarian and technical higher education institutions in different fields of knowledge are shown.
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