value, spirituality, spiritual and moral values, process of formation of spiritual and moral values, educational environmentAbstract
The article deals with the acmeological aspects of responsible behavior of a specialist in the sociological profile.
The professionalism of a specialist in the sociological profile is the high level of development of professional competence, individual qualities and personality traits. Professionalism is an inalienable degree to its highest quality – the level of skill in a particular activity.
A specialist in the sociological profile is a mature person by all means. Acmeology considers maturity as the ability to self-improvement (physical, moral, psychic, professional) by means of self-education, self-design, self-planning, self-organization and self-organization, self-control, self-correction by a person of his own activities.
The main factor of creative development of a person (specialist of sociological profile), an indispensable condition for internal education, readiness for responsible and successful activity, e education.
For all representatives of socio-economic occupations inherent desire to reach the peaks in their profession through self-development.
In the course of self-development on the basis of professionalism, through the strategies of cooperation, responsibility is formed: oneself, close people, microsotsium, mesosotsium, macrosiums. Responsibility is programmed by certain actions.
Professional responsibility is an acmeological invariant of the specialist of the «man-man» system. The article describes the types of professional and personal development: altercentered, conventional, dominant, and research (cognitivized). The professional ethics as a system of moral requirements for the professional activity of a person are analyzed. The categories of professional ethics are: professional duty, professional responsibility, professional conscience, professional honor, professional dignity, etc.
The basis of professional compliance is the actual relationship between the result of professional activity (pragmatic and psychological) and its consequences for the individual and society. Professional deprivation implies a conscientious attitude to work. A professionally responsible specialist performs his professional duties in a qualitative way.
A very important factor in the successful implementation of the professional activity of a specialist in the sociological field is his responsible professional behavior, in the process of formation of which considerable factors are acquired such factors as joy – gloom, pessimism – optimism, euphoria – wisdom.
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