Formation of Entrepreneurial Competence of Master's Students in Pedagogical Specialties as an Important Factor in Increasing their Competitiveness in Conditions of Constant Changes


  • Olena Tadeush Associate Professor of Department of Educology and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 I. Shamo blvd, Kiev, Ukraine



education, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial education, competitiveness


The article examines and substantiates the phenomenon of entrepreneurial education as a tool for increasing human competitiveness in conditions of uncertainty during life. Entrepreneurship education is defined as an open socio-economic system that takes into account individual, collective, local, regional, public and national aspects; as a dynamic system of knowledge, practical actions, aspects, methods and psychological-pedagogical technologies, which are oriented towards the formation of an active personality for life in the business environment, which constantly and independently develops.

It is noted that entrepreneurship education in Ukraine is oriented towards the solution of urgent tasks of improving the quality of training of specialists in various fields, in particular teachers, which involves the formation of a spectrum of entrepreneurial qualities necessary for their competitiveness in modern economic realities. The nature of the economic activity of modern teachers, the characteristic features of entrepreneurial activity in the field of providing educational services and the main types of economic activity that teachers can carry out are defined and substantiated.

The results of the conducted research are presented, which confirm the positive attitude of the students of education towards entrepreneurship, while the future teachers are not sufficiently aware of the content and their own possibilities of professional self-realization in the entrepreneurial vector of pedagogical activity, which proved the need for the formation of their entrepreneurial competence.

It was determined that the implementation of entrepreneurship programs in the process of professional training of future teachers will ensure: a creative attitude to professional self-realization in new forms; development of the ability to create social, cultural, economic values; formation of a system of knowledge, methods and innovative forms of presentation of own innovative inventions and activity products; the formation of an entrepreneurial style of activity and the development of entrepreneurship as character traits; formation of entrepreneurial competence and entrepreneurial worldview, which is an indicator of his high competitiveness and will ensure his competitiveness as a specialist in conditions of uncertainty throughout his life.


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How to Cite

O. Tadeush, “Formation of Entrepreneurial Competence of Master’s Students in Pedagogical Specialties as an Important Factor in Increasing their Competitiveness in Conditions of Constant Changes”, OD, no. 2(41), pp. 161–184, Jun. 2023.



Trends in the Development of Modern Education