


European experience, partner school, pedagogical specialties, practical training, teacher training, technological knowledge


The article considers the issue of studying modern European experience of practical teacher training. It was found out that efficiency of preparing future teachers to their practical activity directly depends on all the levels – from top to bottom – state educational policies and support, regulations in the field of teacher training, modern initial teacher training programmes, inner motivation to become a teacher. It is pointed out the need to apply an integrated approach in mastering the readiness to follow the profession. As we are talking about the European experience, a special attention is paid to study and analysis of regulatory European framework. It helps to define new strategies of developing practical teacher training system, offers recommendations on efficiency of implementing innovative methods and technologies in teacher training process. According to some reports of European Commission, the effectiveness of teacher training is determined by comprehending the teaching profession and the professional development of teachers as a coherent continuum with several, interconnected perspectives, which include teachers’ learning needs, support structures, job and career structures, competence levels and local school culture. Within practical teacher training there is a special role of partner schools where a special position belongs to a school-based teacher/ educator, who does his/ her duties on the basis of a partner school. That educator teaches pupils at school and has responsibilities to support partnership with a teacher training university or college in providing the practical training of students – future teachers. It means to be a mentor/ facilitator/ cooperating teacher. It is found out that basis of training is the practical formation of qualities which are essential for the future teacher`s practical training. Students are educated to develop such pedagogical characteristics as flexibility, reflexivity, awareness of the internal ambiguity of positions and points of view, ability to take alternative decisions and to form the following basic personality traits as sociability, creativity, mobility, independence, responsibility for the personal choice, decision and the results of the teachers` activities.


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Author Biography

Natalia Kosharna, Pedagogical Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, blvd. I. Shamo, 18/2, 02154 Kyiv, Ukraine

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Foreign Language and Methodologies Department


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How to Cite

N. Kosharna, “MODERN EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE OF PRACTICAL TEACHER TRAINING ”, OD, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 143–155, Feb. 2021.



Comparative Research in Education