higher pedagogical education, preparation of the future teacher, systemic knowledge, interdisciplinary connections, interdisciplinary integrationAbstract
Interdisciplinary connections are important tools in the process of formation of a worldview and improvement of professional training of students of higher pedagogical establishments. These connections are considered as a means of improving learning efficiency and formation of cognitive needs. They develop systemic thinking and activate the cognitive activity of students. The systemic nature of professional pedagogical knowledge determines the need for interdisciplinary synthesis of knowledge.
The author uses didactics in order to outline the ways for implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the process of professional training of students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. The article focuses on the technology of implementing interdisciplinary connections in higher pedagogical education, which makes the learning process of future teachers more effective.
The effectiveness of the educational process in the high school means that interdisciplinary connections make it possible to identify relevant theoretical information in the field of pedagogical knowledge, while the superfluous information remains beyond the educational process. Therefore, the analysis and study of superfluous (obsolete, secondary) information does not use personal resources of teachers or students, and subject-to – subject interaction is generally determined by predictable educational outcomes.The implementation technology of interdisciplinary connections in higher pedagogical education enables working with key phenomena and dependancies as well as progressive forms and means of learning. Such system of working allows to study the interaction and similarities of various pedagogical processes and phenomena even when there are contradictions in the process of personality formation of the future teacher.
At the current stage of development of higher pedagogical education the implementation of interdisciplinary relations is one of the most important problems. The holistic solution of this problem is a subject to modernising the education system, updating educational standards and curricula, creation of interdisciplinary training plans and the corresponding variational content, etc.
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