Professional Burnout of Preschool Education Specialists: Characteristic Features




educators, preschool education institutions, professional burnout, professional health, factors of professional burnout of preschool teachers


The article analyzes the interpretation of the essence of the definition of "professional burnout" as a result of long-term stresses associated with intensive professional activity with characteristic impairments of working capacity and its characteristic fatigue, irritability, and mental illnesses. The symptoms of the manifestation and the causes of its occurrence in preschool education specialists were studied. The prerequisites of professional burnout among specialists are revealed. The characteristic signs and main components of professional burnout are substantiated. The specifics of the educator's activity, the causes and symptoms of this phenomenon are determined.

The results of scientific studies indicate that the profession of "educator" of preschool education institutions (ZDO) contains certain threats to the physical, mental, and professional health of its representatives. The profession of preschool education specialists is one of those that belongs to the "person-to-person" system. Characteristic features of their professional activity are the influence of negative stress factors, high demands for communication, constant stay in a state of heightened emotional tension, a high level of responsibility for the results of their work, exhaustion of adaptive resources, which often serve as the cause of professional burnout of specialists. The negative impact of the psychological factor of professional burnout on both the mental health and the level of professional burnout of teachers of preschool education has been proven. Professional burnout of preschool education specialists negatively affects the quality and results of their work, reduces their level of professional activity and work capacity.

In order to avoid professional burnout, preschool education specialists need to sufficiently possess special knowledge, practical skills and skills of health-preserving, health-creating professional activities in order to find a balance between work and rest.


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Author Biographies

Anna Zvarych, West Ukrainian National University

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Educational, Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Educology and Pedagogy, West Ukrainian National University, Lvivska St., 11, 46010, Ternopil, Ukraine.

Vasyl Moiseyuk, West Ukrainian National University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior lecturer at the Department of Educology and Pedagogy, West Ukrainian National University, Lvivska St., 11, 46010, Ternopil, Ukraine.


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Abstract views: 105



How to Cite

A. Zvarych and V. Moiseyuk, “Professional Burnout of Preschool Education Specialists: Characteristic Features”, OD, vol. 1, no. 44, pp. 214–227, Mar. 2024.



Sociology and Cultural Studies of Education