Cуть та структура іншомовної професійної компетентності студентів технічних спеціальностей





subject-language integrated education, technical specialties, professional competence, foreign language communicative competence


Abstract. The article examines the fact that in modern state standards of higher education, from a number of areas of training of students of technical specialties, mastering a foreign language is presented at once in two competences. At the same time, if previously the goal of foreign language learning in higher education institutions was the formation of foreign language communicative competence and all components in the social, everyday and sociocultural spheres of communication, then modern state standards of higher education also emphasize the formation of communicative competence in the professional sphere of communication.

It was found that such an expansion of the spheres of using a foreign language as a means of communication contributed to the designation of the formation of professional foreign language communicative competence as one of the main goals of teaching a professional foreign language to students of technical specialties. At the same time, scientists have not yet reached a consensus regarding the structure and component composition of professional foreign language communicative competence.

The history of the issue is considered, the structure and component composition of the professional foreign language communicative competence of students of technical specialties is proposed. Structurally, students' professional foreign language communicative competence includes two components: foreign language communicative and professional. Foreign language communicative consists of five sub-competencies: linguistic, language, socio-cultural, compensatory and educational-cognitive. The professional component includes knowledge in a specific field of professional activity and professional activities of specialists in a specific field of training. It has been investigated that this component will largely determine the content of training components of foreign language communicative competence, adding professionally-oriented subject content to the training process, which reflects the specialty of specialists in the technical field.

In addition, it was established that as a level category, professional foreign language communicative competence of students consists of five components: value-motivational, cognitive, operational, communicative, reflective. The content of these components is described in detail in the work.




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How to Cite

A. Ptushka, “Cуть та структура іншомовної професійної компетентності студентів технічних спеціальностей”, OD, vol. 46, no. 3, Oct. 2024.



Competency Approach in Education