art, creativity, innovation, innovations in educationAbstract
The current stage of civilization is closely linked to leadership in research and development, the emergence of new knowledge, the development of high-tech production and the creation of mass innovative products. The development of innovation potential is not only a way of dynamic development and success, but also a means of ensuring the security and sovereignty of the state, its competitiveness in the modern world. The article presents a modern scientific understanding of the phenomena of creativity and innovation from the standpoint of various fields of knowledge. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of this issue, given that the main dominant feature of the progressive development of our time is the formation of an innovative personality capable of creating innovations in all spheres of life. It has been found that in modern scientific discourse the phenomenon of creativity acts as a process of activity, characterized by a certain result, in which one can trace material or spiritual value. It is determined that an important quality of personality is creativity, which is understood as the ability of an individual to variability, flexibility, liquidity, stability, focus on action and can be formed by creating special conditions in the process of learning and education. The understanding of the phenomenon of innovation as a process of implementation of new ideas is described. The essence of innovations in education as a process of creation, introduction and dissemination in educational practice of new ideas, tools, pedagogical and managerial technologies, as a result of which indicators (levels) of achievements of structural components of education increase, the system transitions to a qualitatively different state. The study used methods of theoretical generalization, comparative analysis, analysis and synthesis, which allowed to identify the essence of the concepts of «creativity» and «innovation» to understand their modern content.
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