


theological academy, theological seminary, women’s educational institution of the Orthodox Church, Pedagogy, pedagogical discipline, church-teacher school second-degree school


Based on the analysis of primary sources and historical-pedagogical literature, the article presents educators and theologians’ views on teaching Pedagogy and pedagogical disciplines in educational institutions of the Orthodox Church during the second half of the 1890s – 1918. These educators and theologians are Archimandrite Vissarion, I. Andreiev, D. Briantsev, A. Hrynevych, G. Maliarevskyi, M. Makkaveiskyi, P. Sokolov, N. Krasovskyi, A. Yurykas and others. It has been determined that theoretical ideas about the outlined problems were presented in publications in theological periodicals (such as “Theological Herald”, “Faith and Reason”, “Volyn Diocesan Information”, “People’s Education”, “Podillya Diocesan Information”, “Christian Reading”, “Church Herald”, “Chernihiv Diocesan Information” etc.). The article reveals the educators’ and religious leaders’ ideas about the tasks of pedagogical training, content, organizational aspects, forms and staffing for teaching Pedagogy and pedagogical disciplines in Orthodox theological academies, seminaries, women’s educational institutions of the Orthodox Church, church-teacher schools and second-degree schools. It has been determined that the scientists again paid attention to certain problems that were of scientific interest for educators and theologians in 1860-1870s.


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Author Biography

Tetiana Tverdokhlib, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

PhD in Pedagogy, Doctoral Student of the Department of General Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Higher School


A.P. (1897), K voprosu o shtatnyh prepodavateliah v eparhialnyh zhenskih uchilischah [On the question about full-time teachers at women’s diocesan schools]. Church Herald, 35, 1105-1109. (rus).

Andreiev, I.D. (1899), Kafedra didaktiki nuzhna-li pri duhovnyh akademiyah [Is the Department of Didactics necessary at theological academies]. Church Herald, 11, 77-97. (rus).

Arhimandrit Vissarion. (1906), Proekt reformy duhovnoi shkoly [Project of the reform of theological school]. Volyn Diocesan Information. Part unofficial, 1-2, 1-10. (rus).

Briantsev, D. (1906), O postanovke teoreticheskoi i prakticheskoi podgotovki k uchitelstvu v duhovnyh seminariyah [About organization of theoretical and practical training for teaching at theological seminaries]. Faith and Reason, 6, 167-178. (rus).

Hrynevych, Anton. (1905), K voprosu o frantsuzskom iazyke v Tulchinskom zhenskom eparhialnom uchilische i o sedmom klasse pri tom zhe uchilische [On the question about the French language at Tulchin Women’s Diocesan School and about the seventh grade at this school]. Podillya Diocesan Information. Part unofficial, 25, 593-600. (rus).

I.B. (1912), Podgotovka k pedagogicheskoi deiatelnosti prepodavatelei duhovnyh shkol i novyi akademicheskii ustav [Preparation for pedagogical activity of lecturers of theological schools and new academic statute]. Faith and Reason. News on Kharkiv Diocese, 2, 185-193. (rus).

K voprosu ob organizatsii eparhialnyh zhenskih uchilisch. (1906). [On the question about organization of women’s diocesan schools]. Church Herald, 49, 1597-1601. (rus).

Krasovskyi, N. (1911), Neskolko slov k voprosu o postanovke pedagogiki i didaktiki v tserkovno-uchitelskih shkolah [Some words on the question about organization of Pedagogy and Didactics at church-teacher schools]. People’s education, 4, 453-458. (rus).

Linytskyi, P. (1897), Polozhenie i nuzhdy nashego duhovnogo, preimuschestvenno vyschego obrazovaniya [State and needs of our theological, mainly higher education]. Faith and Reason, 2, 361-376. (rus).

M. (1911), Duhovno-shkolnaya pedagogika [Theological school pedagogy]. Church Herald, 42, 1302-1310. (rus).

Makkaveiskyi, N. (1906), Kafedra pedagogiki v duhovnoi akademii. K voprosu o podgotovke k uchebno-vospitatelnomu delu v duhovnoi shkole [Department of Pedagogy at theological academy. On the question about preparation for educational activity at theological school]. Church Herald, 8, 235-239. (rus).

Makkaveiskyi, N. (1898), Pasterskoe bogoslovie i pedagogika v kurse naukduhovnyk akademiy [Pastoral Theology and Pedagogy in the course of the sciences of theological academies]. Works of Kiev Theological Academy, Vol. 1, 204-224. (rus).

Maliarevskyi, G. (1906), K reforme duhovno-uchebnyh zavedenij [To the reform of theological educational institutions]. People’s Education, 9, 189-224. (rus).

Ob otkrytii vtoroklassnyh shkol pri zhenskih monastyriah. (1897). [About opening the second-degree schools at women’s monasteries]. Faith and Reason. Newsletter for Kharkiv Diocese, 12, 321-323. (rus).

Pedagogika v duhovnyh seminarijah. (1911), [Pedagogy at theological seminaries]. Church Herald, 4, 107-108. (rus).

S.P. (1897). Shkola i zhizn: Esche po povodu preobrazovaniya duhovnyh uchebnyh zavedeniy. O podgotovke studentov akademii k uchitelstvu v seminariyah i uchilischah. Golos za usilenie specializatsii v duhovnyh akademiyah [School and life: More information about transformation of theological educational institutions. About academy students’ preparation for teaching at seminaries and schools. Voice for strengthening the specialization at theological academies]. Christian Reading, 1, 153-168. (rus).

S.P. (1897), Shkola i zhizn: Esche po povodu specializatsii predmetov v duhovnyh akademiyah. Raspredelenie seminarskih predmetov po klassam. Obschaya tserkovnaya istoriya. Filosofskie predmety. Didaktika [School and life: More information about specialization of subjects at theological academies. Distribution of seminary subjects by classes. General church history. Philosophical subjects. Didactics]. Christian Reading, 3, 481-499. (rus).

S.P. (1897), Shkola i zhizn: Nashi eparhialnyie zhenskie uchilischa, ih kolichestvennyj rost. Vopros ob administratsii etih uchilishh. O pensii sluzhaschih v nih. O sedmom dopolnitelnom klasse [School and life: Our women’s diocesan schools, their quantitative growth. Question about administration of these schools. About pensions of the staff working in them. About the seventh additional class]. Christian Reading, 12, 810-821. (rus).

S.P. (1897), Shkola i zhizn: Pedagogicheskiy otdel ist.-filolog.obsch-va pri Harkovskom un-te. Esshe otnositelno obiedineniya uchebno-pedagogicheskogo personala duhovnoi shkoly. Rozn mezhdu seminariyami i uchilischami po voprosu o priyemnyh ispytaniyah v seminariyu i gramotnosti uchenikov. Kak uluchshit postanovku pismennyh uprazhneniy v seminariyah [Pedagogical department of historical-philological society at Kharkiv University. Also about integration of teaching staff of theological school. Difference between seminaries and schools on the question about entrance tests in seminary and students’ literacy. How to improve organization of writing exercises in seminaries]. Christian Reading, 5, 788-799. (rus).

Sh. (1905), Sovremennyie zadachi zhenskih eparhialnyh uchilisch [Modern tasks of women’s diocesan schools]. Volyn Diocesan Information. Part unofficial, 15, 463-473. (rus).

Sokolov, P. A. (1905), K voprosu o preobrazovanii nashei duhovnoi shkoly [On the question about transformation of our theological school]. Yekaterinoslav Diocesan Information. Part unofficial, 35-36, 927-942. (rus).

Tverdokhlib, T. (2018), Navchannia pedahohiky u osvitnih zakladah Pravoslavnoi Tserkvy: pogliady pedagogiv i religiinyh diiachiv (1867-1884 rr.) [Teaching Pedagogy in Educational Institutions of the Orthodox Church: Views of Educators and Religious Figures (1867-1884)]. Educological discourse, 1-2 (20-21), 26-37. (ukr). DOI:

Tverdokhlib, T. (2018), Pytannia rozvytku pedahohichnoi osvity na storinkah vitchyznianoi duhovnoi periodyky (seredyna 80-h – persha polovyna 90-h rr. ХІХ st.) [Issues of the Development of Pedagogical Education on the Pages of Domestic Ecclesiastical Periodicals (Mid-80s – the First Half of 90s of the Nineteenth Century)]. Pedagogical Discourse, 24, 29-35. (ukr). DOI:

Yurykas, A. (1906), K voprosu o reforme zhenskih eparhialnyh uchilisch [On the question about the reform of women’s diocesan schools]. Faith and Reason. News on Kharkiv Diocese, 13, 643-648. (rus).

Zhenskie vtoroklassnye shkoly. Znachenie ih v obschem stroie tserkovnyh shkol. (1904), [Women’s second-degree schools. Their significance in general structure of church schools]. Chernihiv Diocesan Information. Part inofficial, 20, 713-718. (rus).


Abstract views: 380



How to Cite

T. Tverdokhlib, “STUDY OF PEDAGOGY AND PEDAGOGICAL DISCIPLINES IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH: VIEWS OF EDUCATORS AND THEOLOGIANS (the end of the 19th century – the beginning of the 20th century)”, OD, no. 3-4, pp. 1–18, Oct. 2019.



Philosophy and History of Education