
  • Luydmila V. Kozak Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка




bachelor, Higher Education, PHD, licentiate, MA, Training cycle, university


The article discusses ways of acquiring university education in France; analyzes of university education, which consists of several cycles organized by a European training scheme, which provides the final three levels: Lisans degree, master degree, degree doctorate (LMD); defines the features and advantages of the French university education, reveals forms of the educational process at universities in France.

It was established that the vast majority of applicants with a bachelor diploma chose university as the most affordable way of getting higher education due to lack of entrance examinations. As each cycle ends respective university education diploma that allows you to find a job, not all students take a full course of study at the university. There remain those who are planning to connect the life of research work. Being accessible to most people, relatively "cheap" and transparent university education of France marked openness, exercising the right of equal access of all cycles of education, high level of knowledge and skills of graduates.


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Abstract views: 388



How to Cite

L. V. Kozak, “FEATURES UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN FRANCE”, OD, pp. 96–105, Mar. 2017.



Comparative Education