play activity, play activity classification, preschool children, psychotechnical exercises, psychological gamesAbstract
The article considers theoretical approaches to the use of psychological games in preschool education. The existing scientific approaches to the classification of games are studied. The need to take into account the classification of psychological games in the organization of play activities, because the classification includes consideration and understanding of common features, which will develop and implement common approaches to the organization of play activities in preschool education. The interrelation of didactic games and games of psychological orientation is proved. The concept of "psychological games", which originate from psychotechnical exercises and are widely used during psychological training, has been clarified. A complex model of psychological games has been developed, which takes into account various areas of mental development of the personality of a preschool child: cognitive, social, emotional and volitional. One of the types of such games are canine exercises that provide a balance of emotional and physical components.
The reasons that complicate the process of communication between parents, teachers and children are listed. It is emphasized that the experience of psychological games allows the child to find solutions faster and easier in difficult life situations. The range of psychological and pedagogical possibilities of games of psychological orientation is outlined. The expediency of using such games in the educational process and their ability to influence the emotional connections between children and parents, children and teachers, between children and peers are determined.
The types of influence of psychological games on the development of certain mental processes of personality are structured. Emphasis is placed on the need to develop methods of pedagogical guidance of psychological games and their separation from psychotechnical exercises.
The effectiveness of the introduction of various psychological games in the educational process depends on the professionalism of teachers and will ensure the solution of specific problems of a practical nature, which will improve the educational process and communication of all its participants.
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