concept, future master in tourism studies, methodology, principles of teaching, professional trainingAbstract
The article deals with the peculiarities of the use of interactive learning technologies to increase the motivation of students of the higher medical educational institution to study medical and biological physics, which is based on the knowledge of natural sciences. A graphical comparative analysis of students' responses to questions from the author's questionnaire to the use of interactive technologies and after the graphical comparison was made with the help of the program of the table processor. The emphasis is on changing the motivation to learn in the students' answers to the second questionnaire. Obvious becomes the fact of the need for additional educational work with students on the topics of medical history to help in the formation of their ultimate learning objectives.
Educational activity of students in higher educational institutions is possible, if based on motives which correspond to direct products of this activity - theoretical knowledge. Such motives are theoretical in content, educational-professional interests. If there are no such interests or they are not sufficiently developed, the student's educational activities are guided by other secondary motives: obtaining approval from parents, the desire to obtain a diploma in higher education, and have a great salary in the future. Then we can say that there is no psychological basis for the deployment of full-fledged educational and professional activities. Therefore, giving students the opportunity to improve their theoretical knowledge about the history of medicine, known doctors, about the complexities of their future profession may in some way induce a deeper understanding of the ethics of the future profession, more detailed study of various disciplines.
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