Ukrainian prisoners, Educational community, teacher, Wetzlar camp, GermanyAbstract
The article analyzes the peculiarities of conducting national educational work among the captured Ukrainian soldiers in the camp Wetzlar, Germany, during June 1916 – February 1917. Since the Ukrainization of the camp (September 1915), it has been held by members of the IED Education Department, and since May 1916 – after the establishment of the Educational Community named after M. Drahomanova – passed to the sphere of responsibility of its members from among the prisoners. Thanks to the arrival of a group of Ukrainian activists from the camp Freistadt (Austria-Hungary) it became possible to organize daily classes at the camp folk school of literacy and the sustainable operation of all educational courses.
The community took care of providing the school with a teaching staff from among the prisoners themselves, at the same time it was very important to participate in the teaching work of civilian members of the IED Education Department – educators with high school or university education. In addition, members of the Educational Community prepared the convening of general camp meetings (chambers), appointed officers for cultural and educational work in individual blocks of the camp, took care of the camp library. Within the Community there was a teachers' group, whose members had the opportunity to improve their professional competencies at special seminars, which were convened from time to time in the camp.
Given that the society brought together the most conscious and active part of the prisoners, the members of the Educational Community had a decisive influence on all aspects of cultural, educational and national-organizational life in the camp. In addition, the community actively participated in the intensification of the educational life of the prisoners, who were part of the workers' teams outside the camp. Largely due to their efforts, it became possible to nationally inform a significant number of captured Ukrainians, who later joined the ranks of the «Blue-Zhupan» division, taking an active part in the struggle for Ukrainian statehood.
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