


education, online learning, videogame, educational games, gamification, game-based learning, forms and methods of learning, students’ motivation


In this article, the use of videogames in online learning has been considered. It is emphasized that new forms and methods of organizing the educational process are becoming increasingly important in times of global educational crisis and the crisis in education. It is noted that new strategies for the establishment of modern educational space, based on the involvement of new, primarily digital, technologies, and new methodological approaches to the organization and content of the educational process, including game approaches, are quite effective in solving problems of modern education.
An essential means of increasing students’ motivation is the use of videogames in the educational process. The main aspects of videogame phenomenon that actualize its use in contemporary education have been analyzed. The following forms and methods of involving videogames in the educational process have been considered: gamification as a partial use of game mechanics or complete transformation of the educational process into a (video)game; game-based learning as the use of particular videogames in education to motivate students and improve learning; educational videogames as a separate category of games that are developed primarily for educational purposes and for which the entertainment-motivational function is secondary. The advantages and disadvantages of videogame activity within each of forms in conditions of online learning have been determined. The authors raise the question of the need to develop and involve comprehensive multiplayer videogames, aimed not at supplementing the educational process, but at the complete transformation of online learning. It is noted that such videogames can be an environment for learning and communication between teacher and
students and contain the information base necessary for studying the subject. It is concluded that the development of a comprehensive videogame for online learning in higher education institutions can increase the effectiveness of online education in general by increasing students’ motivation and interest in learning, giving them an opportunity to acquire the additional experience, moving to more individualized and flexible trajectory of
higher education.


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Author Biographies

Olexander Horban, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-B, Marshal Timoshenko St., Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy

Maria Maletska, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-B, Marshal Timoshenko St., Kyiv, Ukraine

Bachelor of Philosophy


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• Berns A., Gonzalez-Pardo A., Camacho D. Combining Face-to-Face Learning with Online Learning in Virtual Worlds. Proceedings of the EUROCALL 2011 Conference. The CALL Triangle: Student, Teacher and Institution (The University of Nottingham, 31st August to 3rd September 2011). Volume 20, Number 1, March 2012. UK, 2012. P. 17–21

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• Horban O., Kravchenko O., Martych R., Yukhymenko N. The regulatory functions of education in behavioral models. Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University. 2019. № 3. P. 152–157. DOI: 10.29202/nvngu/2019-3/23

• Horban O., Kuprii T., Martych R., Panasiuk L. Implications of total quality management in Ukrainian higher education institutions: international experience. Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University. 2020. № 2. P. 126–130.

• Horban O., Maletska M. Basic approaches to the definition of the concept of “videogame” as an element of modern scientific discourse. Skhid. 2018. № 3(155). P. 29–33. DOI : 10.21847/1728-9343.2018.3(155).139675.

• Horban O., Maletska M. Videogames as means of increasing students motivation. The Modern Higher Education Review. 2019. № 4. Р. 66–74.

• Horban O., Martych R., Maletska M. Phenomenon of videogame culture in modern society. Studia Warminskie. 2019. № 56. P. 123–136.

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• Steinkuehler C., Squire K. Videogames and Learning. The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology series) / Edited by R. Sawyer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. P. 377–394 doi:10.1017/CBO9781139519526.023

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• Al-Azawi R., Al-Blushi M., Al-Faliti F. Educational Gamification vs Game Based Learning: Comparative Study. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology (IJIMT). 2016. Vol. 7, № 4, August. P. 132–136

• Berns A., Gonzalez-Pardo A., Camacho D. Combining Face-to-Face Learning with Online Learning in Virtual Worlds. Proceedings of the EUROCALL 2011 Conference. The CALL Triangle: Student, Teacher and Institution (The University of Nottingham, 31st August to 3rd September 2011). Volume 20, Number 1, March 2012. UK, 2012. P. 17–21.

• Coombs P. H. The World Educational Crisis: A Systems Analysis. Oxford University Press, 1968. 241 р.

• Corona A. Video games. The Routledge Handbook to the Culture and Media of the Americas / Edited by Raussert W., Anatol G., Thies S., Berkin S., Lozano J. London : Routledge, 2020. P. 462–467.

• Gee J. Learning theory, video games, and popular culture. The International Handbook of Children, Media and Culture / Edited by Drotner K., Livingstone S. M. Los Angeles : SAGE Publications Inc, 2008. P 196–218. DOI: 10.4135/9781848608436.n12

• Horban O., Kravchenko O., Martych R., Yukhymenko N. The regulatory functions of education in behavioral models. Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University. 2019. № 3. P. 152–157. DOI: 10.29202/nvngu/2019-3/23

• Horban O., Kuprii T., Martych R., Panasiuk L. Implications of total quality management in Ukrainian higher education institutions: international experience. Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University. 2020. № 2. P. 126–130.

• Horban O., Maletska M. Basic approaches to the definition of the concept of “videogame” as an element of modern scientific discourse. Skhid. 2018. № 3(155). P. 29–33. DOI : 10.21847/1728-9343.2018.3(155).139675.

• Horban O., Maletska M. Videogames as means of increasing students motivation. The Modern Higher Education Review. 2019. № 4. Р. 66–74.

• Horban O., Martych R., Maletska M. Phenomenon of videogame culture in modern society. Studia Warminskie. 2019. № 56. P. 123–136.

• Jenkins H., Klopfer E., Squire K., Tan P. Entering the education arcade. Computers in Entertainment. 2003. 1. 17. 11 p. DOI: 10.1145/950566.950591.

• Mohamad S. N. M., Sazali N. S. S., Salleh M. A. M. Gamification Approach in Education to Increase Learning Engagement. International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. 2018. 4(1). P. 22-32. DOI:

• Morschheuser B., Werder K., Hamari J., Abe J. How to gamify? Development of a method for gamification. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (Maui, HI, USA, 4-7 January 2017). USA : University of Hawaii. 2017. P. 1298–1307

• Pesare E., Roselli T., Corriero N., Rossano V. Game-based learning and Gamification to promote engagement and motivation in medical learning contexts. Smart Learning Environments, 3(1), 5. 2016. 21 p.

• Pietschmann D., Liebold B., Valtin G., The MMORPG Designer’s Journey. Casualization and its Consequences for Social Interactions. New Perspectives on the Social Aspects of Digital Gaming. Multiplayer 2 / Edited by Rachel Kowert, Thorsten Quandt, New York : Routledge, 2017. P.82–96.

• Steinkuehler C., Squire K. Videogames and Learning. The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology series) / Edited by R. Sawyer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. P. 377–394 doi:10.1017/CBO9781139519526.023

• Ghejzingha, J. (1994), Homo Ludens [Homo Ludens]: per. z anghl. / Joghan Ghejzingha. – K.: Osnovy, 250 s. (ukr).

• Gorban` O.V. Osvitnij potencial videoigor: svitoglyadno-metodologichni zasady`. Osvitologichny`j dy`skurs: Elektronne naukove faxove vy`dannya. 2019. № 3–4 (26-27). S. 19–34. (ukr).


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Philosophy and History of Education