intercultural education, multicultural education, multicultural identityAbstract
The content of multicultural education, specifics of its implementation in the educational environment of Poland has been analyzed in the article. As have been proved by experience of developed countries, including Poland, the needs of modern educational practices give rise to the need for training of a multicultural teacher who conduce to the preparation of young generation to be ready to live and act in an open civilizational cultural environment.
The basic provisions of European Union documents on intercultural and multicultural education are analyzed.
The article deals with the pedagogical research Polish scientists, which address the problem of cultural education. Research of Polish scientists relies on significant achievements of Polish science teaching and practice to implement cultural approach to education. Solving the problems of multicultural education in Poland contributes to a clear distinction between multicultural and intercultural education, the definition in law concepts of national minorities, ethnic groups, etc.
The study of multicultural and intercultural education in Poland aimed to solve the internal problems of the Polish education and to address problems related to European integration, a sense of belonging to the European community, which is certainly a positive and significant value to the Polish society. However, the processes of European integration actualize finding ways to preserve their identity, culture and traditions of the Polish people.
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