
  • Lyudmila Gavrilova SHEE “Donbas State Pedagogical University”
  • Julia Katasonova SHEE “Donbas State Pedagogical University”



blended learning, distance education, distance learning, e-education, open education


The article analyzes the theoretical aspects of distance education in Ukraine, in particular its conceptual apparatus. Regulatory and legal background of distance learning in Ukraine are public documents, including the Law of Ukraine "On High education", the Concept of distance education in Ukraine and others. Based on scientific sources is systematized the interpretation of key concepts of distance education and distance learning. It analyzes the historical stages of the basic concepts of distance learning (Correspondent learning, distance learning). Current understanding of the concepts and terms of distance education comes from his interpretation of how the use of Internet technologies and resources. The author compares the distance education and distance learning, related notions of open education, e-learning and blended learning. During the analysis of the open education concept, focus is primarily on its technology, use of network information technology, ensuring intensification, continuity and individualized learning. The specifics of electronic education (e-education) is its implementation of a complex of modern educational means – electronic educational resources (electronic documents, publications, teaching demonstration materials, dictionaries, textbooks, distance learning courses). Mixed (hybrid) learning allows flexibility to combine the advantages of distance learning to traditional learning and work in the classroom. All three categories beyond distance learning. Modern distance learning in higher education is provided using the resources of the Internet, multimedia learning tools and other electronic educational resources.

The development of distance education primarily related to the introduction of mixed (hybrid) learning and its organic entry into the system of open education.


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How to Cite

L. Gavrilova and J. Katasonova, “THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF DISTANCE LEARNING IN UKRAINE”, OD, pp. 168–182, Mar. 2017.



Informatization of Education