Review of Scientific Approaches to the use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in the Educational Process




education, Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, individualized training, intelligent learning systems, automated learning, group training


Currently, the development of technologies affects all spheres of society. Artificial intelligence technologies are intensively developing and are beginning to be actively used to solve various problems both at the everyday and at the scientific level. Accordingly, there are discussions in the pedagogical circle about the possibilities of using artificial intelligence to solve educational tasks: from finding educational material, translating educational material into another language, creating a curriculum, computer presentation for an educational session, creating a computer program or project to communication in another language with an IA-assistant (Artificial Intelligence). That is, a scientific and pedagogical worker can delegate the performance of certain tasks to artificial intelligence technologies (but with further verification of the completed tasks by artificial intelligence technologies) and reduce his time for preparing for educational classes. Increasingly, scientists emphasize the possibility of using artificial intelligence technologies in the educational process and the need to train scientific and pedagogical workers to use artificial intelligence.

Accordingly, the purpose of the article was to analyze the concept of "artificial intelligence" and describe existing scientific approaches to the use of artificial intelligence in the educational process. The methodology of the research was the analysis of the concept of "artificial intelligence" by both Ukrainian and foreign scientists, analysis of scientific approaches, explanation, comparison and systematization of directions, advantages, disadvantages of using artificial intelligence in education.

The definition of the concept of "artificial intelligence" by both Ukrainian and foreign scientists is presented. We defined the concept of "artificial intelligence" as an information technology that ensures the performance of certain complex intellectual tasks. Examples of artificial intelligence technologies that can be used in the educational process include: Anima, Grammarly, CENTURY, IntelliMetric, API DeepL, OpenArt, GodeRabbit, etc.

The areas of use of artificial intelligence in education are described and highlighted: individualized training, intelligent training systems, automated assessment, group training. The advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence in the educational process are characterized.

The results of the study emphasize the importance of studying and using artificial intelligence in the educational process, because this technology is developing rapidly, has prospects for further active development and is used in various spheres of human activity: scientific, medical, military, pedagogical, industrial, household, etc.


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Abstract views: 202


2024-10-02 — Updated on 2024-11-03

How to Cite

O. Dushchenko, “Review of Scientific Approaches to the use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in the Educational Process”, OD, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 6–22, Nov. 2024.



Digitalization of Education