Peculiarities of self-education of students in the conditions of the digital world




peculiarities of self-education, self-education, self-education activity, self-education competence, digitization of education, schoolchildren


Abstract. The article examines the historical perspective of the phenomenon of self-education, which testified to the exceptional growth of its role in building a continuous educational trajectory of an individual for its realization, as well as deepening its personal orientation. Thanks to the study of the age characteristics of the self-educational activity of schoolchildren, the gradual accumulation of knowledge, abilities, skills and personal qualities necessary for its implementation has been established. Four stages of formation of age characteristics of self-education of schoolchildren are distinguished - propaedeutic (primary school age), preparatory (pre-adolescent age), formative (adolescent age), developmental (senior school age). Basic school is defined as the basic stage as the period when schoolchildren acquire and develop knowledge, abilities and skills, motivation and interest in learning, self-evaluation and reflection of their own activities. This period is the most sensitive to the impact on the self-educational competence of schoolchildren, including due to the age characteristics of pre-adolescence and adolescence, when the awareness of individuality and the need for independence become the leading motives of personal development. This period is decisive for the formation of stable knowledge, abilities, skills and personal qualities, which in the future should be used to solve the complex tasks of youth in terms of personal development. It is substantiated that digital technologies have a significant potential for self-education and development of schoolchildren. They become effective tools for enriching the educational process and providing access to information at any time. Digital technology tools open wide opportunities for self-education and personal development of schoolchildren. The classification of digital technology tools according to the leading purpose of use in self-education is proposed: digital resources-sources of educational information; digital activity environments; digital resources for self-monitoring and self-diagnosis; digital resources for organizing personalized training; digital resources for creating your own educational content; digital resources to ensure communication. Establishing pedagogical conditions for the formation of self-educational competence of students of grades 5-9 of general secondary education institutions with the use of digital technologies appears as a promising direction for further scientific research.


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Abstract views: 209


2024-10-02 — Updated on 2024-11-03

How to Cite

I. Maistriuk, “Peculiarities of self-education of students in the conditions of the digital world”, OD, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 23–32, Nov. 2024.



Digitalization of Education