Psychodiagnostic Determinants (Criteria) of the Determined Level of Formation of Health and Safety Competence of Future Speakers of Foreign Language




health-care competence, motivation for health-care and contribution, emotional-volitional regulation, reflection, emotional stability



The current school gives priority to a competent approach, which plays an important role in the conceptual changes that are taking place in the field of lighting. The current highly qualified fakhivets, who have mastered the educational program, are guilty of a mother of low competencies, which is typical for other types of activities. Among them is the health-care competence of the teacher, as an integrative professional-special skill that ensures the protection of life and health, the formation of a culture of healthy and safe way of life for subjects of the educational process. In the minds of European integration of the modern world, the contribution of foreign language, which is oriented not only towards the development of communicative and linguistic competencies of workers, but also and on the implementation of health-care activities in the current world environment. In statistics, there is a need for a structural-functional model of health-care competence of the future input of foreign language. This model is presented as a central system, which includes a number of mutually deterministic components: value-motivational, cognitive, epistemological, active, communicative and reflective. A description of the model components and their characteristics is provided. A similar structural-functional model is used as the basis for developing diagnostic criteria for analyzing the level of formation of health and safety competence of a future reader of a foreign language. With the help of a fragmented system of criterion-visual tools, it is possible to evaluate the level of formation of both other components of the health-careful competence of the next generation, and also evaluate the level of the preparation.


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Author Biography

Olena Vasilyuk, Psychology and Social Work Alfred Nobel University

graduate student, Department of Innovative Technologies in Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work Alfred Nobel University, 49008, Dnipro, Sicheslavska Naberezhna St, 18.


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How to Cite

O. Vasilyuk, “Psychodiagnostic Determinants (Criteria) of the Determined Level of Formation of Health and Safety Competence of Future Speakers of Foreign Language”, OD, vol. 1, no. 44, pp. 164–182, Mar. 2024.



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