Periodization of the Development of Improving the Qualifications and Training of Educators of Orphanage Homes and Preschool Institutions of Ukraine (1920-s – 1991)


  • Kateryna Binytska Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, St. Proskurivsky underground b. 139, 29000 Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine



educators, children's homes, kindergartens, courses, institute, professional development, ; postgraduate pedagogical education, periodization, ; workers of pre-school education institutions, development, Ukraine


The article outlines the periodization of the development of professional development and retraining of educators of children's homes and kindergartens of Ukraine (1920-s – 1991).

The purpose of the article is to investigate the periodization of the development of professional development and retraining of educators of children's homes and kindergartens of Ukraine (1920-s – 1991).

In the course of our research, a retrospective analysis of the development of professional development and retraining of educators of children's homes and kindergartens of Ukraine (1920-s – 1991) has been carried out and a periodization of the development of this process has been developed. The analytical-descriptive method was used to study and generalize archival sources, which highlighted the experience of learning in postgraduate pedagogical education institutions, and the analysis of scientific-pedagogical sources was also used in accordance with the purpose of the research.

Based on the examination of modern scientific-pedagogical sources on the issues of the development of postgraduate pedagogical education of pedagogical workers of pre-school institutions of Ukraine (1920-s – 1991), processing of archival materials, the article presents the periodization of the development of the specified problem and outlines the following periods: the 1st period (1920–1941) – formation of a system of retraining and advanced training of educators of children's homes and kindergartens; the 2nd period (1945-1967) – development of the institutional system of training and advanced training of educators of children's homes and kindergartens; the 3rd period (1967-1991) is the constant modernization of the system of advanced training of educators of children's homes and kindergartens, the active conduct of scientific research and the introduction of their results into the practice of postgraduate pedagogical education institutes in the context of democratization of social life, introduction of elements of market relations.

So, after studying archival sources and works of domestic scientists, we can come to the conclusion that today there is an increased interest of scientists in the field of history of pedagogy in studying the problems of the development of postgraduate education of professional development and retraining of educators of children's homes and kindergartens as an organic component of their continuous education.


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How to Cite

K. Binytska, “Periodization of the Development of Improving the Qualifications and Training of Educators of Orphanage Homes and Preschool Institutions of Ukraine (1920-s – 1991)”, OD, no. 2(41), pp. 7–22, Jun. 2023.



History and Philosophy of Education