



innovative technologies, Mind mapping, foreign student, Ukrainian as a foreign language, medical university


The article is devoted to the problem of successful implementation of different cutting-edge techniques in teaching in the context of the current significant modifications and profound transformations of the educational system in Ukraine. This work focuses on the forming a foreign medical student linguistic personality, in particular it’s grammar, speech, communication as well as socio-cultural competencies, including by utilizing Advanced Information and Communication technology tools. This research focuses on the introduction of Advanced Information and Communication Technologies into the Ukrainian educational process. It was pointed out, that the effective teaching methodology could be based on the newest methods and techniques. The advantages of pedagogical innovation in comparison with traditional methods of presenting educational information was pointed out. The researchers have interpreted the term Mind map. They have also presented and analyzed its important features, common ways of implementation into current teaching process.



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Author Biographies

Tetyana Leshchenko, Poltava State Medical University, 36011, Poltava, 23 Shevchenko Street

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Humanitarian Training

Maryna Zhovnir, Poltava State Medical University, 36011, Poltava, 23 Shevchenko Street

PhD in Philology, Lecture of the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Humanitarian Training

Natalia Grinko, Bukovinian State Medical University, 58002, Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Teatralnaya Square, 2

PhD in Medical Psychology, Lecture of the Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology


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Abstract views: 426



How to Cite

T. Leshchenko, M. Zhovnir, and N. Grinko, “TEACHING UKRAINIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE BY USING MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE”, OD, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 105–118, Jun. 2021.



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