



foreign students, medical scientific and academic discourse, Ukrainian as a foreign language


The article describes the main characteristics of the discourse approach in the system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language and the main components of the Ukrainian-language medical scientific-academic discourse as a basis for selecting the content of language education of foreign medical students of Ukrainian universities. By participating in the Ukrainian-language medical discourse, foreign medical students gain professional knowledge and the opportunity to become subjects of communicative practices of professional communication with equal professionals and various members of Ukrainian society (patients), to whom the future doctor's professional activity is directed. The author cites the following content components of the system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language: communicative roles of the subjects of medical discourse that regulate the communicative needs of foreign students; appropriate communicative intentions and strategies, tactics of realization of these intentions; genre forms of medical discourse; situational and thematic organization; basic communicative units of realization of medical discourse. Linguodidactic interpretation of this kind of medical discourse allowed to formulate partial principles of selection of language and speech materials for teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language.

The characteristics of the essence and components of medical scientific-academic discourse are given in the article, the principles of selection of educational materials for

teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language are singled out are the communicative-linguistic basis of language education of foreign medical students. The linguo-methodical interpretation of the studied phenomenon will help in the selection of language material and the creation of methodological developments and manuals on the Ukrainian language for foreign students; in the choice of teaching methods and techniques necessary for the formation of cognitive-linguistic skills of decoding / coding of a communicative event by instrumentality of a foreign (Ukrainian) language.



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Author Biography

Iryna Kushnir, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Language Training Department 1


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