future music teachers, methods, methodical competence, motivation for learning, independent work, modern computer technology, choral conducting, quality of trainingAbstract
The article focuses on the necessity of introducing innovative approaches, methods, forms and means of training using informational and musical computer technologies into the educational process. The analysis of the main researches and publications on the given problem was made and the positive influence of training motivation on the quality of the professional training of future teachers of musical art is highlighted. It is shown that the use of modern computer technologies, synthesizer, multimedia and special musical software contribute to activation of future music teachers in the study of the discipline «Choir conducting». The article deals with the interdisciplinary connections of choral conducting with informational computer technologies, analysis of the concepts of «note editor», «note-program», «Musical Instruments Digital Interface (MIDI)», «music computer technologies».
In choir art motivation is a cognitive interest of students to the specialty of music teacher as the organizer and leader of the choir, promotes the desire to actively study and improve themselves, to seek new ways for self-realization.
An important internal factor is the personal mood of students for a qualitative result in training, self-improvement of methodological competence, improvement of pedagogical skills and purposefulness for further musical and pedagogical activity.
Also effective is the application of innovative teaching aids, which include multimedia (educational videos, audio players, choral music recordings, electronic boards, hardware) as well software and methodological support for computer technologies (electronic textbooks, manuals, electronic libraries, electronic courses; professional music programs and computer programs-notebooks; tasks for independent work of students; tests).
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DOI: 10.1080/14613800802079056
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