


adaptation, institutions of higher education (IHE), student


The article deals with the peculiarities of students’ professional adaptation to studying in institutions of higher education (IHE). It was found that the most vital socio-pedagogical condition, which is used to determine the success of adaptation to studying is that of optimal interaction of the systems: system of functioning IHE, system of organization of the educational process and the student as a special socio-pedagogical system.

It is explored that professional adaptation involves an employee’s awareness of the goals and motives for the profession; inclusion in the teamwork, development of relations and rules of team behaviour; acceptance of tasks, results, means and conditions of professional activity.

It is established that the dynamics of the process of students’ adaptation to learning can predict the peculiarities of their adaptation in the future, and structural analysis of adaptive capabilities allows to identify the most urgent individual problems. They are: stress at the level of energy under new conditions, attachment to sustainable environment, difficulties in changing and mastering a new type of activity, inability to establish relationship with the social environment. It is emphasized that the very process of adaptation during training process becomes a specific model of formation of professional suitability of the student, and identifying the factors that will negatively affect educational activities in the future provides a real opportunity for timely psychological correction, expanding the student’s adaptive capacity.

Based on the scientific literature analysis, we suggest different approaches to the definition of the notions «adaptation», «professional adaptation», content characteristics, main properties of professional adaptation of a specialist, its structural components, and the concept of «professional adaptation of students of institutions of higher education» is defined. We consider it to be a phenomenon of professional activity of a young specialist, which is manifested in his/her integration into the profession, mastery of skills, the formation of professional competencies as well as successful professional self-determination and further development.



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Author Biographies

Vasyl Verbovyi, National Academy of Internal Affairs (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

PhD (Candidate of Physical Training and Sport), Head of the Department of Tactical, Special, Physical and Fire Training

Myroslav Kushniruk, National Academy of Internal Affairs (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine),.

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Senior lecturer of the Department of Tactical, Special, Physical and Fire Training


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