The State of Formation of Professional Competence of Future Military Intelligence Specialists in the Informational and Educational Environment Higher Military Educational Institution (HMEI)




higher military educational institutions, future military intelligence officers, information and educational environment, educational process, professional competence, the state of formation of professional competence


The article examines certain features of the training of future military intelligence officers, taking into account the specifics of their future professional activity, the organization of the educational process, and the conceptual principles of their training in higher military educational institutions. The state of formation of the professional competence of future military intelligence specialists in the informational and educational environment of HMEI was clarified. The purpose of the article is to study the state of formation of professional competence of future military intelligence specialists in the information and educational environment of HMEI The research, in accordance with the tasks and the verification of the initial assumptions, used the following research methods that complemented each other: conversations, analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, deduction, generalization, systematization, interviewing, questionnaires, testing, diagnostics to study the state problems and ascertaining the state of formation of professional competence of future specialists. The results. It has been found that the professional training of future military intelligence specialists at a higher military educational institution needs further adjustment, identification of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competence of future military intelligence specialists in the information and educational environment of HMEI, improvement of the information and educational environment of HMEI, improvement of the implementation of digital technologies in the organization of the educational process of HMEI, the development of educational and methodological complexes for the training of future military intelligence specialists. Conclusions. Thus, the formation of professional competence of future military intelligence specialists should be oriented towards the creation of a favorable information and educational environment of higher education institutions with the introduction of information and digital tools, interactive teaching methods, updating of educational and methodological support in accordance with the requirements of educational services in the field of military education, improvement of pedagogical psychological approaches to the educational process to acquire thorough professional skills and practical skills for future professional activity.


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Abstract views: 71



How to Cite

I. Shumkov, “The State of Formation of Professional Competence of Future Military Intelligence Specialists in the Informational and Educational Environment Higher Military Educational Institution (HMEI)”, OD, no. 4(43), pp. 169–179, Dec. 2023.



Competency Approach in Education